Cometd-2 Throughput vs Latency

With the imminent release of cometd-2.0.0, it’s time to publish some of our own lies, damned lies and benchmarks. It has be over 2 years since we published the 20,000 reasons that cometd scales and in that time we have completely reworked both the client side and server side of Read more…

Lies, Damned Lies and Benchmarks

Benchmarks like statistics can be incredibly misleading in ways that are only obvious with detailed analysis. Recently the apache HTTPCore project released some benchmark results whose headline results read as: Jetty HttpCore Linux BIO 35,342 56,185 Linux NIO 1,873 25,970 Windows BIO 31,641 29,438 Windows NIO 6,045 13,076 Looking at Read more…

The Streamlined Life with Jetty

Johannes Brodwall has posted another great description of his techniques dealing with Jetty in everyday development life. It was great to meet him in person finally in Oslo recently, and he definitely has thought through what he does and why, which for your reference, you can find at his blog. Read more…

Websocket Chat

The websocket protocol has been touted as a great leap forward for bidirectional web applications like chat, promising a new era of simple comet applications. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a silver bullet and this blog will walk through a simple chat room to see where websocket does Read more…

Websockets – IETF v WHATWG?

There is a jurisdictional issue brewing over the future of internet standards – I know because I’m stirring the pot.  The dispute is between the WHATWG and the IETF regarding the specification process for the websocket protocol (which I have some concerns about, but none the less is supported by Read more…

Google Just Doesn't Understand Community

We’ve said it before (Bad Robot!), but after the Android 2.0/Nexus One developments, it really bears repeating: Google either do not understand or do not care about community once their immediate corporate goals have been met. In the Bad Robot! blog, Greg commented on the disparity between Google’s talk of Read more…

Jetty WebSocket Server

Jetty-7.0.1 has been extended with a WebSocket server implementation based on the same scalable asynchronous IO infrastructure of Jetty and integrated into the Jetty Servlet container. WebSocket came out of work on HTML5 by the  What Working Group to specify a mechanism to allow two way communications to a browsers.  Read more…