Jan Bartel (Intalio) and Daan Van Santeen (Progress FUSE) will be giving a series of live webinars on how Jetty, Cometd and ActiveMQ can be used to provide a reliable messaging platform to the browser.

  • What Jetty is and how its CometD Bayeux implementation implements messaging to the browser
  • What Apache ActiveMQ is and how its JMS implementation allows for reliable messaging
  • What the JMS and Bayeux messaging protocols are and how they complement each other
    these technologies can be combined to create a flexible and reliable
    platform to implement messaging from a back-end system to a browser

The webinar includes a simple demonstration of fault tolerance failover from the browser.


Click to register:




Alex · 16/02/2010 at 21:45

Will this webinar(s) be made availble for replay now that they have finished?

user · 17/02/2010 at 13:51

is there a recording of this event?
sounds very useful, but can’t find it online.

Dmitriy · 18/02/2010 at 09:53

Will there be any presentations or videos available for download?

user · 18/02/2010 at 10:52

just checking if you received my previous request about putting up a recording of this webcast.
it is useful to me, and probably to many others.

Greg Wilkins · 22/02/2010 at 20:21

Argh! Something went wrong and both sessions were not successfully recorded?!?!?
If there is interest, please comment here and we will see if another can be scheduled.

Alex · 22/02/2010 at 21:19

I’d be interested if it is not too much trouble.

vk · 23/02/2010 at 08:11

definitely interested!

Anonymous · 03/03/2010 at 13:31

I missed the webinar due to work schedule. I for one would be very interested if another one can be scheduled.

Dmitriy · 05/03/2010 at 01:30


vk · 05/03/2010 at 12:13

if a webinar is too much work, a write up would also be fine with me.. just as a starting point.

Greg Wilkins · 15/03/2010 at 04:12

We will be re-recording a non-live session tomorrow and will post the URL soon.

Paul Feaviour · 30/03/2010 at 09:08

If any of the presentation materials could be made available and perhaps some samples that would be a great.

Jan Bartel · 31/03/2010 at 12:00

The webinar re-recording is available from Intalio Works.


Alex · 06/06/2010 at 20:43

I got the email with the ‘Intalio Works’ URL in it, but I couldn’t find the webinar there or anywhere else on the site. Am I missing something?

Greg Wilkins · 07/06/2010 at 22:38

The intalio site has been updated and the webinars are currently not available.
I will post again when I find out where they have gone.

Comments are closed.