Back to the Future with Cross-Context Dispatch

Cross-Context Dispatch reintroduced to Jetty-12 With the release of Jetty 12.0.8, we’re excited to announce the (re)implementation of a somewhat maligned and deprecated feature: Cross-Context Dispatch. This feature, while having been part of the Servlet specification for many years, has …

Security Audit with Trail of Bits

Several months ago, the Eclipse Foundation approached the Eclipse Jetty project with the offer of a security audit. The effort was being supported through a collaboration with the Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF), with the actual funding coming from …

New Jetty 12 Maven Coordinates

Now that Jetty 12.0.1 is released to Maven Central, we’ve started to get a few questions about where some artifacts are, or when we intend to release them (as folks cannot find them). Things have change with Jetty, starting with …

Jetty Project and TCK

The Jetty project has a long history of participating in the standardization of EExx (previously JEE) specifications such as Servlet and Websocket. Jakarta renaming After the donation of TCK source code by Oracle to Eclipse Foundation, the EE group has …

Jetty 12 – Virtual Threads Support

Executive Summary Virtual Threads, introduced in Java 19, are supported in Jetty 12, as they have been in Jetty 10 and Jetty 11 since 10.0.12 and 11.0.12, respectively. When virtual threads are supported by the JVM and enabled in Jetty …

Introducing Jetty-12

For the last 18 months, Webtide engineers have been working on the most extensive overhaul of the Eclipse Jetty HTTP server and Servlet container since its inception in 1995. The headline for the release of Jetty 12.0.0 could be “Support …

Jetty HTTP/3 Support

Introduction HTTP/3 is the next iteration of the HTTP protocol. HTTP/1.0 was released in 1996 and HTTP/1.1 in 1997; HTTP/1.x is a fairly simple textual protocol based on TCP, possibly wrapped in TLS, that experienced over the years a tremendous …