Jetty on the Mort Bay host.

This casestudy describes how Jetty has been used on our own sites, to show that we are “eating our own dogfood”. While there is nothing revolutionary in this blog, it is sometimes good to see examples of the ordinary and …

Living la vita JSP.

I have finally seen the JSP light! I think I actually like them and I will have to stop pouring scorn upon them (and all who use them)! So maybe 2004 is a bit late to be blogging about the …

WADI Web Application Distribution Infrastructure.

The problem with the current breed of HTTP servlet session distribution mechanisms is that they do not scale well. I have just tried the first release of WADI ‘Web Application Distribution Infrastructure’, and it shows great promise as a next-generation …

A Shared Jetty Server in a College Environment

When I was systems administrator for the University of North Carolina at Charlotte department of Computer Science, I saw the need to establish an environment for our students to experiment with servlets. The goal was to provide a centralized system …

Filters vs Aspects

Web Application Filters were added to the 2.3 Servlet specification and have been enhanced in the just finalised 2.4 spec. Filters allow cross cutting concerns to be applied to a web application, which is exactly the gig of Aspect Oriented …

NIO and the Servlet API.

Taylor Crown has written a short paper regarding Combining the Servlet API and NIO, which has been briefly discussed on the serverside. NIO Servlets have often been discussed as the holy grail of java web application performance. The promise of …

Servlets must DIE! – Slowly

Now that the 2.4 servlet spec is final, I believe the time is right to start considering the end of life for the API. This may sound a little strange coming from somebody on the JSR and who has spent …

Open source Closed Project

This is a repost of an old old blog entry that has become relevant again. I was hoping to make my next entry one of a technical nature, but the JBoss™ Group have just asked me to remove the JBoss™ …

Jetty and OSGI at Eclipse

The last several months have brought a lot oof hangs with the jetty OSGI bits and piecesa of things at eclipse. We have finally standardized the way we distribute our binaries within our various p2 repositories. We have a honest …