The last several months have brought a lot oof hangs with the jetty OSGI bits and piecesa of things at eclipse. We have finally standardized the way we distribute our binaries within our various p2 repositories. We have a honest to goodness WTP adaptor for jetty that people can use. We have contributed to both Helios and indigo and have had at least one of our other bundles picked up and contributed to another project (the junit pde testing bundle)
First a bit about how we are distributing the bundles. Underneath the normal download location of we have the updates directory which has jetty-bundles-7.x and jetty-wtp underneath which are composite p2repositories. This location will be the standard place to consume our eclipse signed bundles from. There will be a jetty-bundles-8.x location once we iron out the source locations of the jsp-2.2 dependencies in jetty8. Underneath these top level composite p2repositories we have a development directory which is populated from the buld server. For the WTP bundles the development repository is being populated with each build. We do this in part so we are certain that our bundles are successfully making it through the whole eclipse signing and packing process. Since the velocity of change in these bundles are not extreme it seems minor to be doing the signing and packing process like is. The benefit is that once tested the development directory can be renamed into a proper version and added into the composite metadata.