Introducing Jetty-12

For the last 18 months, Webtide engineers have been working on the most extensive overhaul of the Eclipse Jetty HTTP server and Servlet container since its inception in 1995. The headline for the release of Jetty 12.0.0 could be “Support for the Servlet 6.0 API from Jakarta EE 10“, but Read more…

Simple Jetty HelloWorld Webapp

With the jetty-maven-plugin and Servlet Annotations, it has never been simpler to start developing with Jetty! While we have not quiet achieved the terseness of some convention over configuration environments/frameworks/languages, it is getting close and only 2 files are needed to run a web application! Maven pom.xml A minimal maven Read more…

Jetty @ JavaOne 2014

I’ll be attending JavaOne Sept 29 to Oct 1 and will be presenting several talks on Jetty: CON2236 Servlet Async IO: I’ll be looking at the servlet 3.1 asynchronous IO API and how to use it for scale and low latency.  Also covers a little bit about how we are Read more…

Asynchronous Rest with Jetty-9

This blog is an update for jetty-9 of one published for Jetty 7 in 2008 as an example web application  that uses Jetty asynchronous HTTP client and the asynchronoous servlets 3.0 API, to call an eBay restful web service. The technique combines the Jetty asynchronous HTTP client with the Jetty Read more…