A couple of months ago the CometD Project released its third major version, CometD 3.0.0 (announcement).
Since then I wanted to write a blog about this major release, but work on HTTP 2 kept me busy.
Today CometD 3.0.1 was released, so it’s time for a new CometD blog entry.
CometD is an open source (Apache 2 licensed) project that started in 2008 under the umbrella of the Dojo Foundation, and already at the time it designed a web application messaging protocol named Bayeux.
Similar efforts have started more recently, see for example WAMP.
The Bayeux protocol is transport independent (works with HTTP and WebSocket) which allows CometD to easily fallback to HTTP when WebSocket, for any reason, does not work. Of course it works also with SPDY and HTTP 2.
The Bayeux protocol supports two types of message delivery: the pubsub (broadcast) message delivery, and the peer-to-peer message delivery.
In the pubsub style, a publisher sends a message to the server, which broadcast it to all clients that subscribed.
In the peer-to-peer style, a sender sends a message to the server, which then decide what to do: it may broadcast the message to certain clients only, or to only one, or back to the original sender. This latter case allows for an implementation to offer RPC (remote procedure call) message delivery.
Bayeux is also an extensible protocol, that allows to implement extensions on top of the protocol itself, so that implementations can add additional features such as time synchronization between client and server, and various grades of reliable message delivery (also called “quality of service” by MQTT).
The CometD Project is an implementation of the Bayeux protocol, and over the years implemented not only the major features that the Bayeux protocol enables (pubsub messaging, peer-to-peer messaging, RPC messaging, message acknowledgment, etc.), but also additional features that make CometD the right choice if you have a web messaging use case.
One such features is a clustering system, called Oort, that enables even more features such as tracking which node a client is connected to (Seti) and distributed objects and services.
CometD 3.x leverages the standards for its implementation.
In particular, it ships a HTTP transport based on the Servlet 3.1 Async I/O API, which makes CometD very scalable (no threads will be blocked by I/O operations).
Furthermore, it ships a WebSocket transport based on the standard Java WebSocket API, also using asynchronous features, that make CometD even more scalable.
If you have a web messaging use case, being it RPC style, pubsub style or peer-to-peer style, CometD is the one stop shop for you.
Webtide provides commercial support for CometD, so you are not alone when using CometD. You don’t have to spend countless hours googling around in search of solutions when you can have the CometD committers helping you to design, deploy and scale your project.
Contact us.


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