Introducing Jetty-12

For the last 18 months, Webtide engineers have been working on the most extensive overhaul of the Eclipse Jetty HTTP server and Servlet container since its inception in 1995. The headline for the release of Jetty 12.0.0 could be “Support for the Servlet 6.0 API from Jakarta EE 10“, but Read more…

Jetty 9 – it's coming!

Development on Jetty-9 has been chugging along for quite some time now and it looks like we’ll start releasing milestones in around the end of September.  This is exciting because we have a lot of cool improvements and features coming that I’ll leave to others to blog about in specific Read more…

jetty @ eclipse updates

As avid users of jetty are bound to have caught wind of, jetty7 is in the process of migrating to the Eclipse Foundation as a component of the Eclipse Runtime. We even already have our own happy little news group which we need to get into the habit of checking Read more…