The new Jetty 9 HTTP client

Introduction One of the big refactorings in Jetty 9 is the complete rewrite of the HTTP client. The reasons behind the rewrite are many: We wrote the codebase several years ago; while we have actively maintained, it was starting to show its age. The HTTP client guarded internal data structures from Read more…

Jetty, SPDY and HAProxy

The SPDY protocol will be the next web revolution. The HTTP-bis working group has been rechartered to use SPDY as the basis for HTTP 2.0, so network and server vendors are starting to update their offerings to include SPDY support. Jetty has a long story of staying cutting edge when Read more…

SPDY Push Demo from JavaOne 2012

Simone Bordet and I spoke at JavaOne this year about the evolution of web protocol and how HTTP is being replaced by WebSocket (for new semantics) and by SPDY (for better efficiency). The demonstration of SPDY Push is particularly good at showing how SPDY can greatly improve the latency of Read more…

Fully functional SPDY-Proxy

We keep pushing our SPDY implementation and with the upcoming Jetty release we provide a fully functional SPDY proxy server out of the box. Simply by configuration you can setup Jetty to provide a SPDY connector where clients can connect to via SPDY and will be transparently proxied to a Read more…

SPDY – we push!

SPDY, Google’s web protocol, is gaining momentum. Intending to improve the user’s web experience it aims at severely reducing page load times. We’ve blogged about the protocol and jetty’s straight forward SPDY support already: Jetty-SPDY is joining the revolution! and SPDY support in Jetty. No we’re taking this a step Read more…

Jetty-SPDY blogged

Jos Dirksen has written a nice blog about Jetty-SPDY, thanks Jos ! In the upcoming Jetty 7.6.3 and 8.1.3 (due in the next days), the Jetty-SPDY module has been enhanced with support for prioritized streams and for SPDY push (although the latter only available via the pure SPDY API), and Read more…