Jetty HTTP/2 cleartext upgrade

With the approach of the release candidate for Jetty 9.3.0 in the next days, we have implemented support for HTTP/2 cleartext upgrade mechanism, on server side, resolving issue #465857. This means that you can configure a Jetty server to speak cleartext HTTP/1.1 and cleartext HTTP/2 on the same server port. Read more…

Eat What You Kill

A producer consumer pattern for Jetty HTTP/2 with mechanical sympathy Developing scalable servers in Java now requires careful consideration of mechanical sympathetic issues to achieve both high throughput and low latency.  With the introduction of HTTP/2 multiplexed semantics to Jetty, we have taken the opportunity to introduce a new execution Read more…

Jetty @ JavaOne 2014

I’ll be attending JavaOne Sept 29 to Oct 1 and will be presenting several talks on Jetty: CON2236 Servlet Async IO: I’ll be looking at the servlet 3.1 asynchronous IO API and how to use it for scale and low latency.  Also covers a little bit about how we are Read more…

Jetty 9 Quick Start

The auto discovery features of the Servlet specification can make deployments slow and uncertain. Working in collaboration with Google AppEngine, the Jetty team has developed the Jetty quick start mechanism that allows rapid and consistent starting of a Servlet server.   Google AppEngine has long used Jetty for it’s footprint Read more…

WordPress & Jetty: perfect fit

I posted a while back about the capability of Jetty 9.1’s HttpClient to speak HTTP over different transports: by default HTTP, but we also provide a SPDY implementation, where the HTTP requests and responses are carried using the SPDY transport rather than the HTTP transport. Another transport that is able Read more…

Jetty SPDY push improvements

After having some discussions on spdy-dev and having some experience with our current push implementation, we’ve decided to change a few things to the better. Jetty now sends all push resources non interleaved to the client. That means that the push resources are being sent sequentially to the client one Read more…

Jetty SPDY to HTTP Proxy

We have SPDY to SPDY and HTTP to SPDY proxy functionality implemented in Jetty for a while now. An important and very common use case however is a SPDY to HTTP proxy. Imagine a network architecture where network components like firewalls need to inspect application layer contents. If those network Read more…

Jetty, SPDY, PHP and WordPress

Having discussed the business case for Jetty 9 and SPDY, this blog presents a simple tutorial for runing PHP web applications like WordPress on Jetty with SPDY. Get Jetty First you’ll need a distribution of Jetty, which you can download, unpack and run with the following (I use wget to Read more…