The CometD project provides tools to write server-side event-driven web applications.
This kind of web application is becoming more popular, thanks to the fact that browsers have become truly powerful (JavaScript performance problems are now a relic of the past) and are widely deployed, so they are a very good platform for no-install applications.
Point to the URL, done.
Server-side event-driven web applications are those web application that receive events from third party systems on server side, and need to delivery those events with a very low latency to clients (mostly browsers).
Examples of such applications are chat applications, monitoring consoles, financial applications that provide stock quotes, online collaboration tools (e.g. document writing, code review), online games (e.g. chess, poker), social network applications, latest news information, mail applications, messaging applications, etc.
The key point of these applications is low latency: you cannot play a one-minute chess game if your application polls the chess server every 5-10 seconds to download your opponent’s moves.
These applications can be written using Comet techniques, but the moment you think it’s simple using those techniques, you’ll be faced with browsers glitches, nasty race conditions, scalability issues and in general with the complexity of asynchronous, multi-threaded programming.
For example, Comet techniques do not specify how to identify a specific client. How can browserA tell the server to send a message to browserB ?
It soon turns out that you need some sort of client identifier, and perhaps you want to support multiple clients in the same browser (so no, the HTTP session is not enough).
Add to that connection heartbeats, error detection, authentication and disconnection and other features, and you realize you are building a protocol on top of HTTP.
And this is where the CometD project comes to a rescue, providing that protocol on top of HTTP (the Bayeux protocol), and easy-to-use libraries that shield developers from said complexities.
In a nutshell, CometD enables publish/subscribe web messaging: it makes possible to send a message from a browser to another browser (or to several other browsers), or to send a message to the server only, or have the server send messages to a browser (or to several other browsers).
Below you can find an example of the JavaScript API, used in conjunction with the Dojo Toolkit:


You can subscribe to a channel, that represents the topic for which you want to receive messages.
For example, a stock quote web application may publish quote updates for Google to channel /stock/GOOG on server-side, and all browsers that subscribed to that channel will receive the message with the updated stock quote (and whatever other information the application puts in the message):

dojox.cometd.subscribe("/stock/GOOG", function(message)
  // Update the DOM with the content from the message

Equally easy is to publish messages to the server on a particular channel:

dojox.cometd.publish("/game/chess/12345", {
  move: "e4"

And at the end, you can disconnect:


You can have more information on the CometD site, and on the documentation section.
You can have a skeleton CometD project setup in seconds using Maven archetypes, as explained in the CometD primer. The Maven archetypes support Dojo, jQuery and (optionally) integrate with Spring.
Download and try out the latest CometD 2.1.1 release.


Stephen Nimmo · 30/06/2011 at 20:59

So how do you write the server side code to publish stock updates to “/stock/GOOG”?

simon · 30/06/2011 at 21:12

You can look at the CometD documentation, specifically at how to write server-side services.

Mike Mal · 19/07/2011 at 20:38

Are they any instructions for setting up a skeleton project using jQuery without Maven?

    chhh · 11/10/2011 at 17:10

    yeah, i’m also interested in jQuery example without maven

CometD, Dojo and XDomainRequest | Webtide Blogs · 07/11/2011 at 14:23

[…] The CometD project implements various Comet techniques to implement a web messaging bus. You can find an introduction to CometD here. […]

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