I’ll be contributing to the new Comet Daily website which aims to provide daily articles and blog entries about Comet techniques. The contributors are all leading software engineers who build Comet servers, clients, and web applications.
I have already posted two articles there: “Educating Comet!” about how improved comet branding is needed and “Comet is always better than polling” which is an analysis that long polling is always superior to polling in both bandwidth and latency.
Item that I write that are general in nature, I will tend to publish on Comet Daily, while I will continue to blog here about Jetty specific items.


Johnny Yau · 16/11/2007 at 02:42

I download the jetty-6.1.6rc1 server and learn the cometd demo chat and echo source code. I am trying to implement a server time clock. I just want to subscribe a "/service/time" from client to server, but I don’t know how to write the serverside code.

Any idea to me? Thanks a lot!

cometduser · 27/11/2007 at 04:32

Actually, I have implemented my own cometd application , not only in server side  but also in client side according to the cometd demo of jetty-6.1.6rc1. And it based on http and use SelectChannelEndPoint and SelectChannelConnector. Now I wanna use SSLSelectChannelConnector based on https protocol, but  I don’t have any idea about it , because I found that in client side, the HttpClient only has HttpClient.CONNECTOR_SELECT_CHANNEL type. So far, I have not found any documents or demo for this application. Do you have any idea for this question to me? Thanks a lot.

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