HTTP/2 Last Call!

The IETF HTTP working group has issued a last call for comments on the proposed HTTP/2 standard, which means that the process has entered the final stage of open community review before the current draft may become an RFC. Jetty has implemented the proposal already and this website is running Read more…

HTTP/2 draft 14 is live !

Greg Wilkins (@gregwilkins) and I (@simonebordet) have been working on implementing HTTP/2 draft 14 (h2-14), which is the draft that will probably undergo the “last call” at the IETF. We will blog very soon with our opinions about HTTP/2 (stay tuned, it’ll be interesting!), but for the time being Jetty Read more…

RFC7230 for HTTP 1.1, 1.3 or 2.0?

The httpbis working group of the IETF has release RFC7230 (HTTP/1.1) which obsoletes the long serving RFC2616 (HTTP/1.1), which itself obsoleted the ill fated RFC2068 (HTTP/1.1), which had attempted to replace RFC1945 (HTTP/1.0).   So with the 4th version of a HTTP/1.x specification, some might argue that we really should Read more…

Jetty 9.2.0 Released

The Webtide Jetty development team is pleased to announce that we have released Jetty 9.2.0, which is available for download from eclipse or maven central. Along with numerous fixes and improvements, this release has some exciting new features. Java 8 Support Jetty 9.2.0 has been updated to run well with Read more…

Jetty 9 Quick Start

The auto discovery features of the Servlet specification can make deployments slow and uncertain. Working in collaboration with Google AppEngine, the Jetty team has developed the Jetty quick start mechanism that allows rapid and consistent starting of a Servlet server.   Google AppEngine has long used Jetty for it’s footprint Read more…

Jetty 9 Modules and Base

Jetty has always been a highly modular project, which can be assembled in an infinite variety of ways to provide exactly the server/client/container that you required.  With the recent Jetty 9.1 releases, we have added some tools to greatly improve the usability of configuring the modules used by a server. Read more…

Jetty-9 Iterating Asynchronous Callbacks

While Jetty has internally used asynchronous IO since 7.0, Servlet 3.1 has added asynchronous IO to the application API and Jetty-9.1 now supports asynchronous IO in an unbroken chain from application to socket. Asynchronous APIs can often look intuitively simple, but there are many important subtleties to asynchronous programming and Read more…

WordPress & Jetty: perfect fit

I posted a while back about the capability of Jetty 9.1’s HttpClient to speak HTTP over different transports: by default HTTP, but we also provide a SPDY implementation, where the HTTP requests and responses are carried using the SPDY transport rather than the HTTP transport. Another transport that is able Read more…