Jetty with JBoss

With release 6.1.0pre2 we now provide Jetty-JBoss integration for the Jetty 6 series. This brings a number of important new features for JBoss users to enjoy such as servlet 2.5 support, and moreover, scalability for ajax via our Continuations mechanism and our cometd implementation. There’s the beginnings of documentation on Read more…

Maven Webapp Archetypes for Download

The maven mvn archetype:create command is a powerful one. It can create you a whole new ready-to-run application, complete with templated sources, config files etc. It takes a lot of the pain out of starting a new application. Webtide has created a collection of maven webapp project archetypes which are Read more…

Jetty Continuations for Quality of Service.

Jetty Continuations can be used to prevent resource starvation caused by JDBC Connection pools or similar slow and/or restricted resources. Jetty Continuations have mostly been discussed in the context of web 2.0, Ajax Push and Comet. However there are many other use cases and the ThrottlingFilter, written by Jetty committer Read more…

Running JIRA on Jetty

Somebody recently brought it to my attention that there’s a rumour going around that you can’t run JIRA on Jetty. Sure enough, digging around on the Atlassian site showed up with this: Rising to the implicit challenge, I set out to make JIRA run under jetty 6.x. As it Read more…

InfoQ on Jetty 6

InfoQ writes about the Jetty 6 release: The Jetty team released version 6 a couple of weeks ago and has also just released version 6.0.1 of the open-source web container. The Jetty 6 code base is a complete rewrite adding such features as Continuations, NIO support, and 2.5 Servlet spec Read more…

Jetty Release 6.0.1

Revision 6.0.1 of Jetty is now available at and from maven repositories. This minor version update includes: fixed isUserInRole checking for JAASUserRealm fixed ClassCastException in JAASUserRealm.setRoleClassNames(String[]) Improved charset handling in URLs Factored ErrorPageErrorHandler out of WebAppContext Refactored ErrorHandler to avoid statics JETTY-112 ContextHandler checks if started JETTY-114 removed utf8 Read more…

Greg Wilkins to speak at the Ajax Experience

Greg Wilkins, the lead developer of Jetty and CEO of Webtide, will be speaking at this years The Ajax Experience in Boston. Greg’s presentation is about the challenges of scalably serving Ajax Comet from Java Servlets. The various asynchronous servlet extensions are evaluated and several case studies examined, including the Read more…

Jetty 6.0.0 Stable Release

Jetty Release 6.0.0 is now available via Jetty 6.x now becomes the stable release of Jetty and the 5.1.x series will now be in security fix only mode after it’s next maintenance release. Jetty 6.x is a major refactoring of the Jetty code base, that combines the best from Read more…