Websockets – IETF v WHATWG?

There is a jurisdictional issue brewing over the future of internet standards – I know because I’m stirring the pot.  The dispute is between the WHATWG and the IETF regarding the specification process for the websocket protocol (which I have some concerns about, but none the less is supported by Read more…

Google Just Doesn't Understand Community

We’ve said it before (Bad Robot!), but after the Android 2.0/Nexus One developments, it really bears repeating: Google either do not understand or do not care about community once their immediate corporate goals have been met. In the Bad Robot! blog, Greg commented on the disparity between Google’s talk of Read more…

CometD 1.0 Released

The CometD project has finally released its 1.0 version ! I have already posted here about new features of the CometD project, but the 1.0 release is a further step forward in usability, stability and documentation. For those of you that did not hear about the CometD project, it is Read more…

Jetty WebSocket Server

Jetty-7.0.1 has been extended with a WebSocket server implementation based on the same scalable asynchronous IO infrastructure of Jetty and integrated into the Jetty Servlet container. WebSocket came out of work on HTML5 by the  What Working Group to specify a mechanism to allow two way communications to a browsers.  Read more…


When I was given the opportunity to come work at Webtide several months ago, I knew right away this was definitely a chance of a lifetime. It is absolutely amazing to be able to work with Jetty founders Greg and Jan, as well as with all the other members of Read more…

How to improve Websocket

Background The W3C has developed the Websocket API proposal for HTML5, that enables web pages to perform two-way communication with a remote host. There is also a proposed  IETF draft websocket protocol to transport the websocket messages.   I believe that there are significant deficiencies in the proposed websocket protocol Read more…