Prelim Cometd WebSocket Benchmarks

I have done some very rough preliminary benchmarks on the latest cometd-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT with the latest Jetty-7.5.0-SNAPSHOT and the results are rather impressive.  The features that these two releases have added are: Optimised Jetty NIO with latest JVMs and JITs considered. Latest websocket draft implemented and optimised. Websocket client implemented. Jackson Read more…

Jetty JMX Webservice

Jetty JMX Webservice is a webapp providing a RESTful API to query JMX mbeans and invoke mbean operations without the hassle that comes with RMI. No more arguments with your firewall admin, just a single http port. That alone might not be a killer feature, but Jetty JMX Webservice also Read more…

Jetty Overlayed WebApp Deployer

The Jetty Overlay Deployer allows multiple WAR files to be overlayed so that a web application can be customised, configured and deployed without the need to unpack, modify and repack the WAR file. This has the benefits of: The WAR file may be kept immutable, even signed, so that it Read more…

Jetty with Spring XML

Since the very beginning, Jetty has been IOC friendly and thus has been able to be configured with spring.  But the injecting and assembling the jetty container is not the only need that Jetty has for configuration and there are several other configuration files (eg contexts/yourapp.xml,  jetty-web.xml,  jetty-env.xml) that have Read more…

Getting Started With Websockets

The WebSockets protocol and API is an emerging standard to provide better bidirectional communication between a browser (or other web client) and a server.  It is intended to eventually replace the comet techniques like long polling.   Jetty has supported the various websocket drafts in the 7.x and 8.x releases and Read more…

Jetty 7.4 new features

A release candidate of Jetty 7.4 is now available as both Jetty@eclipse and Jetty-Hightide@codehaus distributions. This release contains a number of new features which I will briefly introduce now, and make the target of more detailed blogs, webinars and wiki pages over the next few weeks: Jetty Overlay Deployer Jetty Read more…

Is WebSocket Chat Simpler?

A year ago I wrote an article asking Is WebSocket Chat Simple?, where I highlighted the deficiencies of this much touted protocol for implementing simple comet applications like chat. After a year of intense debate there have been many changes and there are new drafts of both the WebSocket protocol Read more…

Lies, Damned Lies and Benchmarks

Benchmarks like statistics can be incredibly misleading in ways that are only obvious with detailed analysis. Recently the apache HTTPCore project released some benchmark results whose headline results read as: Jetty HttpCore Linux BIO 35,342 56,185 Linux NIO 1,873 25,970 Windows BIO 31,641 29,438 Windows NIO 6,045 13,076 Looking at Read more…