Scaling Connections for AJAX with Jetty 6

With most web applications today, the number of simultaneous users can greatly exceed the number of connections to the server. This is because connections can be closed during the frequent pauses in the conversation while the user reads the content …

Jetty 6.0 Continuations – AJAX Ready!

The 6.0.0alpha3 release of Jetty is now available and provides a 2.4 servlet server in 400k jar, with only 140k of dependencies (2.6M more if you want JSP!!!). But as well as being small, fast, clean and sexy, Jetty 6 …


This case study looks at Cinémathèque from PowerSource Software Pty Ltd. It is a digital interactive entertainment system that embeds Jetty as the backend server for the set top box browser. PowerSource Software is a boutique software developer based in …

Interview with Peter Rodgers of 1060 NetKernelTM

This Jetty Case Study takes a look at an intriguing software infrastructure product called 1060 NetKernelTM. Announcing the recent release of version 2 of the product, 1060 Research describes NetKernel as “an advanced service oriented microkernel”. Complex applications are produced …

Missing Filter Mapping.

Because I consider some of the “features” of the latest 2.4 specification rather dubious or expensive, I was reluctant to implement them as core features of Jetty. Instead, Jetty 5.1 will use optional filters to provide JSR77 statistics, wrap under …

Next Generation Jetty and Servlets

Jetty 5.0.0 is out the door and the 2.4 servlet spec is implemented. So what’s next for Jetty and what’s next for the servlet API? It’s been a long journey for Jetty from it’s birth in late 1995 to the …