Jetty now supports annotations on managed beans with Sun’s JSF RI version 1.2_04.

For the curious, the magic happens in the Jetty6InjectionProvider class that is distributed in the RI jars.

However, that’s just an implementation detail. All you need to do is to mark up your jsf beans as usual with annotations (see the annotations supported by jetty, and the jetty/jsf integration will make sure they’re injected and the callbacks called appropriately. Also take a look at how to throw the JSF RI jars into Jetty.

Big thanks to Ryan Lubke from the JSF RI team who worked very closely with us on implementing this! Ryan has also blogged about the jetty integration.

1 Comment

sound · 10/06/2007 at 18:08

Good site, good idea, but, in my humble opinion, you need change design…

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