I am pleased to announce the availability of the first milestone build of jetty7 @ eclipse!
Download Jetty 7.0.0.M0!
It has been a crazy few weeks getting all of this together but it finally happened and we crossed a big initial hurdle in our efforts to move through incubation. We are still in the parallel ip verification process which is proceeding well, as expected. The process of getting accustomed to bugzilla and the eclipse infrastructure is also chugging along and as our milestone builds progress we will slowly enable more functionality to the eclipse community. Things like update sites and increased support for osgi are all coming over the next months.
Best make one quick note in case folks are not aware, with the delaying of the servlet 3.0 spec we are altering the development path for jetty7 and dropping support for the 3.0 api and instead jetty7 is the initial release of jetty that has org.eclipse package changes, a base jdk requirement of java5 and other improvements that you will hear about as they crop up. Jetty8 will be the first version of jetty that will support the servlet 3.0 api and builds of that will be available as well soon.
Lastly, I would like to give a quick thanks to the folks within the Eclipse Foundation that have helped us immeasurably to get to this point.
I would be remiss to not note to our maven brethren that the location of jetty artifacts has changed within the central maven repository.

Maintenance releases of Jetty6 will still remain in the org/mortbay/jetty location within the central repository. In fact jetty 6.1.16 was released today and is available.