Release 6.1H.4-beta of Hightide is available for download at:

Hightide is an open source, versioned and optimized distribution of Jetty providing a comprehensive toolset for the development of scalable, state-of-the-art web 2.0/JavaEE applications.

New features in this release include:

  • More performance optimizations.
  • Updated Bayuex (cometd) implementation.
  • Updated Jetty to 6.1.4
  • Update of all library jars to most recent versions.
  • Maven plugin for Hightide providing the same style of rapid webapp development as the Jetty maven plugin, but with all J2EE services instantiated and available. Targets are:
  •   mvn hightide:run mvn
  •   hightide:run-war
  •   mvn hightide:run-war-exploded
  • Maven api dependency for simplified webapp development. The following single dependency will ensure that all J2EE apis supported by the Hightide runtime are transitively included, reducing the number of dependencies you need to keep track of:


  • Maven dependency for all jars used by Hightide runtime. The following single dependency will ensure that all jars that are present on the runtime classpath will be transitively available to your webapp, reducing the complexity and tedium of maintaining your pom:
