Fast MultiPart FormData

Jetty’s venerable MultiPartInputStreamParser for parsing MultiPart form-data has been deprecated and replaced by the much more efficient MultiPartFormInputStream, based on a new MultiPartParser. This is much faster, but less forgiving of non-compliant format. So we have implemented a legacy mode …

Getting Started with Jetty and JDK 9

It’s finally here! Java 9 has officially been released and includes a whole host of changes and new functionality. Jetty, too, has been built with Java 9 over the past few releases as we ramp up support for the new JDK. …

Conscrypting native SSL for Jetty

By default, Jetty uses the JSSE provider from the JVM for SSL, which has three significant problems: It’s slow! It doesn’t support ALPN in Java 8, which is needed for HTTP/2 It’s REALLY slow! There are workarounds for both problems: …

Jetty ReactiveStreams HTTP Client

ReactiveStreams has gained a lot of attention recently, especially because of its inclusion in JDK 9 in the Flow class. A number of libraries have been written on top of ReactiveStreams that provide a functional-style API that makes asynchronous processing …

Building Jetty with JDK 9

The Jetty Project has been trying to to build Jetty using JDK 9 for some time now. We still have a number of things to fix (a few test cases and integration with ASM for class scanning), but overall we have …

Contributing to Open Source (and Jetty !)

Andres Almiray (aalmiray) interviewed me at the JCrete unconference. We spoke about the history of the Jetty project (which is 22 years old – like Java itself), how Jetty has been able to stay on the edge all these years, …

CometD and NodeJS, part 2

In our previous blog, we presented the case of a Webtide customer, Genesys, that needed to integrate CometD in NodeJS and how we developed a CometD client capable of running in the NodeJS environment. In this article we present the other …

CometD and NodeJS, part 1

In addition to our Lifecycle Support offerings, Webtide is also committed to helping develop new functionality to meet customer needs for the open source projects Webtide supports, CometD and Eclipse Jetty. Recently Genesys, a global leader in customer experience solutions …

HTTP Trailers in Jetty

HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 have the concept of trailers, that is HTTP headers that can be sent after the message body, in both requests and responses. In HTTP/1.1 trailers can be sent using the chunked transfer coding, for example in requests …