Cometd + Wicket

First off, I think I like wicket, its a pretty neat framework and it has some pretty solid integration with ajax which is interesting. I have to say though that having spent a lot of time on the whole long polling, ajax push, cometd type of communication approach the whole Read more…

Scalable BlazeDS with async Jetty

Valery Silaev has pointed me to an article on that demonstrates how the asynchronous features of Jetty have been used by Farata Systems to achieve some excellent scalability results with BlazeDS. BlazeDS is an open source server side that provides comet style streaming events to a flex/flash client side Read more…

Asynchronous Restful Webapplication

This blog annotates the Jetty 7 example web application (also updated for jetty-9) that uses Jetty asynchronous HTTP client and the proposed suspendable servlets 3.0 API, to call an eBay restful web service.   The technique combines the Jetty asynchronous HTTP client with the Jetty servers ability to suspend servlet processing, Read more…

Bad Robot! Google Android is evil

Webtide has been putting some effort into porting Jetty onto Google’s Android mobile phone platform. We were seduced to expend this effort by the promise from Google that android would provide “a new level of openness”. Yet we may be forced to abandon this effort as Google’s bad robot breaks Read more…

Dojo Toolkit Maven Repository

Using  maven to build your project is a fantastic for managing your dependencies and avoiding having dependencies (and their dependencies) checked into your own svn.  The only fly in the ointment, is projects that don’t publish maven artifacts, and the Ajax dojo toolkit has been one of these. Until now Read more…


Jan and I have run across some annoying problems with test cases and test scoping within jetty recently and it has lead to some discussion on an idea that I have been kicking around for a while.  The problem was that we have some useful test cases which are in Read more…